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Évaluer l’impact de la stratégie de détection systématique de la maladie polyvasculaire et combinée à un traitement de prévention secondaire agressif chez les patients coronariens sévères


Bourses ACTION 2025 - Candidatures ouvertes !
M2, thèse de sciences, mobilité aux USA, soins infirmiers, prix de thèse de médecine - Date limite de candidatures : 06 avril 2025

Colloquium "La cardiologie préventive : nouveautés" (mardi 1er avril 2025)
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La Grande Journée du Coeur (jeudi 26 juin 2025 à la Chapelle St Louis)
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Étude nationale, multicentrique, visant à évaluer l’impact de la stratégie de détection systématique de la maladie polyvasculaire et combinée à un traitement de prévention secondaire agressif chez les patients coronariens sévères.

date de réalisation


nombre de patients


nombre de centres participants

25 centres en France

type de financement

Public (APHP & Institut de l’Athérothrombose)



Active Detection and Management of the Extension of Atherothrombosis in High Risk Coronary Patients In Comparison With Standard of Care for Coronary Atherosclerosis : The AMERICA Study

Study Description

Coronary artery disease is the first cause of death related to atherothrombosis. There is a close correlation between the extension of coronary artery disease and the severity of atherosclerotic lesions in extra coronary arterial beds. In addition, these symptomatic extracoronary lesions dramatically decrease the survival of these patients. However, scant data are available regarding the prevalence of extracoronary asymptomatic lesions. Conversely, the annual absolute risk of these lesions remains unknown. Consequently, whether a systematic identification of these extracoronary asymptomatic lesions is relevant remains to be established.
The Primary Objective and Primary Endpoint of the AMERICA study is to demonstrate the superiority of an active detection and management of the extension of atherothrombosis in high Risk coronary patients (active strategy) in comparison with standard of care for coronary atherosclerosis (conservative strategy).



  • Systematic detection of polyvascular disease combined with aggressive secondary prevention in patients presenting with severe coronary artery disease : The randomized AMERICA Study
    Jean-Philippe Collet, Guillaume Cayla, Pierre-Vladimir Ennezat, Florence Leclercq, Thomas Cuisset, Simon Elhadad, Patrick Henry, Loic Belle, Ariel Cohen, Johanne Silvain, Olivier Barthelemy, Farzin Beygui, Abdourahmane Diallo, Eric Vicaut, Gilles Montalescot, AMERICA Investigators
    Publié dans International Journal of Cardiology


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