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Comparer l’utilisation de l’énoxaparine IV versus héparine standard IV chez les sujets présentant un Infarctus du Myocarde aigu et nécessitant une intervention coronarienne percutanée primaire


Bourses ACTION 2025 - Candidatures ouvertes !
M2, thèse de sciences, mobilité aux USA, soins infirmiers, prix de thèse de médecine - Date limite de candidatures : 06 avril 2025

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Étude internationale, multicentrique, visant à comparer l’utilisation de l’énoxaparine IV versus héparine standard IV chez les sujets présentant un Infarctus du Myocarde aigu et nécessitant une intervention coronarienne percutanée primaire.

date de réalisation


nombre de patients


nombre de centres participants

73 centres dans 4 pays (51 centres français, 13 allemands, 6 autrichiens et 3 centres aux États-Unis)

type de financement

Public (APHP) et privé (Sanofi-Aventis)



Acute STEMI Treated With Primary Angioplasty and Intravenous 0.5 mg/kg Lovenox or UFH to Lower Ischemic and Bleeding Events (ATOLL)

Study Description

This study is a prospective, multicenter, multinational, randomized, active-control arm trial. The study population consists of subjects with ST-segment elevation MI who are randomized within 24 hours of symptom onset. Subjects presenting between 12 and 24 hours of symptom onset should present with recurrent or persisting chest pain and/or recurrent or persisting ST elevation suggesting ongoing ischemia, and an indication of primary PCI.



  • Intravenous enoxaparin or unfractionated heparin in primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-elevation myocardial infarction : the international randomised open-label ATOLL trial
    Gilles Montalescot, Uwe Zeymer, Johanne Silvain, Bertrand Boulanger, Marc Cohen, Patrick Goldstein, Patrick Ecollan, Xavier Combes, Kurt Huber, Charles Pollack Jr, Jean-François Bénezet, Olivier Stibbe, Emmanuelle Filippi, Emmanuel Teiger, Guillaume Cayla, Simon Elhadad, Frédéric Adnet, Tahar Chouihed, Sébastien Gallula, Agnès Greffet, Mounir Aout, Jean-Philippe Collet, Eric Vicaut, ATOLL Investigators
    Publié dans The Lancet
  • Biomarkers of Thrombosis in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction : A Substudy of the ATOLL Trial Comparing Enoxaparin Versus Unfractionated Heparin
    Johanne Silvain, Stephen A O'Connor, Yan Yan, Mathieu Kerneis, Marie Hauguel-Moreau, Michel Zeitouni, Pavel Overtchouk, Annick Ankri, Delphine Brugier, Eric Vicaut, Patrick Ecollan, Sophie Galier, Jean-Philippe Collet, Gilles Montalescot, ATOLL Investigators
    Publié dans American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs
  • Incidence and consequence of major bleeding in primary percutaneous intervention for ST-elevation myocardial infarction in the era of radial access: an analysis of the international randomized Acute myocardial infarction Treated with primary angioplasty and intravenous enoxaparin Or unfractionated heparin to Lower ischemic and bleeding events at short- and Long-term follow-up trial
    Cyril Pellaton, Guillaume Cayla, Johanne Silvain, Uwe Zeymer, Marc Cohen, Patrick Goldstein, Kurt Huber, Charles Pollack Jr, Mathieu Kerneis, Jean-Philippe Collet, Eric Vicaut, Gilles Montalescot, ATOLL Investigators
    Publié dans American Heart Journal
  • Intravenous Enoxaparin Versus Unfractionated Heparin in Elderly Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention : An Analysis of the Randomized ATOLL Trial
    Zhenyu Liu, Johanne Silvain, Mathieu Kerneis, Olivier Barthélémy, Laurent Payot, Rémi Choussat, Pierre Sabouret, Marc Cohen, Charles V Pollack Jr, Patrick Goldstein, Uwe Zeymer, Kurt Huber, Eric Vicaut, Jean-Philippe Collet, Gilles Montalescot
    Publié dans Angiology
  • A direct comparison of intravenous enoxaparin with unfractionated heparin in primary percutaneous coronary intervention (from the ATOLL trial)
    Jean-Philippe Collet, Kurt Huber, Marc Cohen, Uwe Zeymer, Patrick Goldstein, Charles Pollack Jr, Johanne Silvain, Patrick Henry, Olivier Varenne, Didier Carrié, Pierre Coste, Michael Angioi, Hervé Le Breton, Guillaume Cayla, Simon Elhadad, Emmanuel Teiger, Emmanuelle Filippi, Mounir Aout, Eric Vicaut, Gilles Montalescot, ATOLL Investigators
    Publié dans The American Journal of Cardiology

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