I make a donation
The ACTION Endowment Fund awards scholarships to young cardiologists in training, nurses and psychologists as part of their missions or research or education projects and financially supports ambitious research programs. Our goals :
It houses and financially supports the Parole & RéACTION patient group.
Find out who we areChaired by Prof. Gilles Montalescot, the board of directors of the ACTION Endowment Fund, mainly made up of non-doctors and supported by a scientific referent committee, listens to the needs of the healthcare community in Cardiology and supports citizen operations which are presented to the ACTION Group, and this thanks to patrons, donors and volunteers.
Among its commitments, cardiovascular research occupies an important place and the Endowment Fund financially supports major clinical trials conducted independently by the ACTION Group. It also endeavours to help citizen research missions that are not possible otherwise.
The resources of the ACTION Endowment Fund come exclusively from the generosity of the public, research grants, sponsors and the loyalty of its donors. Your support is essential to make our projects a reality for the benefit of all patients suffering from cardiac pathology: each euro collected is a building block.
The ACTION Endowment Fund awards research grants every year ; scholarships for students to continue or complete their training, in France or abroad ; scholarships rewarding the best medical theses ; nursing fellowships and fellowships for psychologists at the Heart Institute.