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Evolocumab or Normal strategies to reach guidelines LDL objectives in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated by percutaneous coronary intervention

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Colloquium "La cardiologie préventive : nouveautés" (mardi 1er avril 2025)
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La Grande Journée du Coeur (jeudi 26 juin 2025)
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A phase IV, multicentric, randomized, real-world pragmatic study that compares a strategy of early LDL reduction with anti-PCSK9 in patients defined as extreme high risk by 2019 ESC/EAS guidelines vs. Standard of Care as defined by the guidelines but also constrained by current drug availabilities in the different participating countries.

date de réalisation


nombre de patients


nombre de centres participants

International multicentric trial

type de financement

Private (Fonds de Dotation ACTION) & Amgen)


EUDRACT : 2021-000573-80

A study conducted by Fonds de Dotation ACTION.
Find out details and results on the dedicated page

AMUNDSEN conducted by Fonds de Dotation ACTION

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